Impact of Good Nurse- Pharmacy Communication in Achievement of Excellent Care

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Zahra Ali Al Zaid
Khadijah Hassan Alhammadi
Naif Sallam Ahmed Albariqi
Fatmah Ahdal Khardli
Halimah Mohammed Ahmed Zaila
Roaa Zaylaee Hussain Alawi
Najwa Arar Hadwer
Turki Talae Ali Almangahi
Adel Saeed Al Zahrani
Ohud Mohammed Jabril Mohammed


Background: Effective communication between nurse- pharmacy is essential for fostering a supportive working environment, enhancing patient safety, and improving healthcare outcomes. Poor communication is a significant contributor to sentinel events and adverse incidents in healthcare, particularly in nursing contexts. This study explores the relationship between nurse- pharmacy communication satisfaction and patient safety culture, focusing on the impact of communication satisfaction on safety culture perceptions and practices in hospital settings.

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